Cynics Anonymous

I go to as many gigs as is financially possible and thought it would be sensible to keep a journal of gigs I go to, cds I buy, new and old bands I come across and anything else I fancy going on about.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

21 March - The Raconteurs @ ABC, Glasgow.

Seeing Jack White onstage in a small venue like then ABC in a kilt and the same band as Brendan Benson and a bass player seems like some strange dream, but it is indeed true. Taking a break from The White Stripes and teaming up with his old friend Brendan Benson, he has formed a band but although I did enjoy the show, I'm not sure exactly why he has decided to do it.

I'm a big fan of The White Stripes and Brendan Bensons solo albums but together I'm not sure if it entirely works. Some of the songs sound decidedly White Stripes influenced and the others like Brendan. I'm sure they will do well but I have the feeling it will do more for Brendan’s career than Jacks.